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Winter adjectives list

    Winter is here! During December, January, and February, the northern hemisphere blankets with snow, temperatures drop significantly, and the holidays take over.   In the United States, people continue working and studying. Schools take a two to three break week to celebrate the new year.   Traditionally, in the United States, December is the holiday season, observing Christmas and other celebrations as Hannukah and Kwanza.  December also marks the last month of the Gregorian calendar. People celebrate the new year On December 31st with parties and delicious dinners.  In the United States, December is known as the high buying season. People celebrating religious holidays give gifts to their loved ones to express their appreciation and good wishes for the upcoming year. 


Thanksgiving is a wonderful holiday and reminds us to be grateful for the things we appreciate in life: family, friends, jobs, food, and health.  Every year, since the fall of 1621, we celebrate this special day with a great feast, and it is the time family, and friends get together to celebrate life. Find the difference and the adjectives with   this fun activity !   This is a perfect adjective game to catch words while playing and understanding the concept: an adjective describes the noun; it makes it more specific.  Click on the image below; look at the drawings, and guess which piece is different by clicking on it, and the adjective will show up! How to identify an adjective? Let's say we have the noun "apple," and we need a word to describe it. How would you call it? "crunchy" or "red"; those are   adjectives   because tell  how the apple is :    crunchy apple  / red apple . Find here  a compelling fall adjective list, includin...


Action verbs are words that describe mental or physical actions. They are called action verbs because they can help create a more vivid image in the reader's mind. For example, "She walked up the stairs" is an example of an action verb. The importance of understanding action verbs is to be able to read more efficiently and accurately. We should look for the subject and then look for the action verb when we read. Once we find these two things, we will know who is doing what to whom or what is happening in a sentence. How to recognize an action verb Look at the picture above, pause for a minute, and think about what you see. You can notice a person (subject) and then look at what this person is physically doing (runs). Here you have identified the subject (he) and the verb (runs) 


Action verbs are one of the eight parts of speech in English. They describe mental and physical actions. Sometimes, they can be used as nouns, adjectives, or adverbs. Action verbs are important because they help the reader understand what is happening in the sentence.   Action verbs help create a more vivid image in the reader's or speaker's mind. They are called action verbs because they can show what the subject is doing. For example, "She walked up the stairs." These words often have a short vowel sound and end in "-ing." For example, "running" or "walking." Finding the action verb Look at this picture. Notice that a person subject (she) is doing a physical action (talks). The action "talks" is a verb because it is an action performed by this person.