
Showing posts with the label sustantivos en ingles

Winter adjectives list

    Winter is here! During December, January, and February, the northern hemisphere blankets with snow, temperatures drop significantly, and the holidays take over.   In the United States, people continue working and studying. Schools take a two to three break week to celebrate the new year.   Traditionally, in the United States, December is the holiday season, observing Christmas and other celebrations as Hannukah and Kwanza.  December also marks the last month of the Gregorian calendar. People celebrate the new year On December 31st with parties and delicious dinners.  In the United States, December is known as the high buying season. People celebrating religious holidays give gifts to their loved ones to express their appreciation and good wishes for the upcoming year. 

Nouns, adjectives and valentines - find the difference

Love is in the air! Valentine's is back. This time of the year, people across the U.S. celebrate love. We show appreciation for those close to us by going out to dinner, buying heart-shaped/gifts, giving candy, and sending roses. This holiday evolved from remembering the death sentence of an Italian Catholic priest called Valentine. He believed the ban on marriage imposed by the emperor Claudius II in 200 AD was unfair and started marrying people secretly. Of course, the emperor found out, sent him to jail, set his execution for February 14th, and the rest is history! Find the difference and the adjectives with   this fun activity!     It is a perfect noun/adjective game to catch words while playing and understanding the concept: an adjective describes the noun; it makes it more specific. The noun describes a person, place, or thing.  Nouns and adjectives make a lovely couple! Click on the image below; look at the drawings, and guess which piece is different by clic...