
Showing posts from December, 2020

Adjectives and Christmas - find the difference

Christmas is here! This is the time of the year to celebrate with family and friends the birth of Jesus Christ while reflecting on the year ending: giving thanks for the good things lived and planning for the new year to come. Find the difference and the adjectives with   this fun activity !  This is a perfect adjective game to catch words while playing and understanding the concept: an adjective describes the noun; it makes it more specific.  Click on the image below; look at the drawings, and guess which piece is different by clicking on it, and the adjective will show up! How to identify an adjective? We have the noun "gift," and we need a word to describe it. How would you call it? "beautiful" or "colorful"; those are   adjectives   because tell  how the gift is :   beautiful gift   / colorful gift . Find here more winter adjectives.